th (100)And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, Colossians 1:9 ESV

Recently I asked a friend to pray for Pam and I. He loves to add scripture into his prayers in which he always includes the address (Book, Chapter, Verse). He used several verses, but Colossians 1:9 grabbed my attention. I felt like the Holy Spirit said, “Greg listen! This is a word that you can lean into for strength.”

The specific phrase that jolted my inner man was, “ asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom”.  We (Pastor Abb Javine, Pam and myself) had just returned from a 73 hour trip to Minneapolis that included 40 hours of driving travel time across 11 states. Our hearts were full and we are now asking for wisdom for what to do next.

We prayed as we entered and crossed every state line. We prayed in Minneapolis at the George Floyd memorial. We prayed for God’s presence and purpose to be fulfilled in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville, and Nashville.There was an ebb and flow of prayer as we grappled with racism, sin, murder, family struggles, addictions, and hopelessness. We worshiped, laughed, and shared stories like children – the sons and daughters of God.

Fill you with – greek plērōthēte. This is more than just adding some more water to a glass. It carries the idea of filling to the brim or cramming until it’s full. Paul’s prayer is that there would be no lack, no partial addition, and no “just enough to get by”. Filled to overflowing is the right image.

Knowledge – greek epignósis. From HELPS Word Studies –epí, “on, fitting” which intensifies 1108 /gnṓsis, “knowledge gained through first-hand relationship“. Paul wants the believers to have first-hand understanding of all that God is saying and doing for them. Epignosis also includes the idea of discerning knowledge. This is not to be understood as acquiring more facts to make you smarter. This is the “aha” of revelation. It is gaining more clarity about a matter.

This passage reminded me that God is in charge. His desire is to fill us up with wisdom so that we can continue His purposes in and through our lives. He does the filling. He orchestrates the gaining of wisdom through first hand knowledge. Our role is to ask in faith and receive. He does not want us to walk around aimlessly. He desires for us to be focused, move forward with clarity and discernment, and acquire needed revelation.

Do you have some big decisions to navigate? Are you still wondering what is going to happen next in our country, city, home or work? May God fill you with His knowledge and all of His spiritual wisdom.

Blessings Love y’all