as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening. 1 Peter 3:6

Is anything too hard for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you, about this time next year, and Sarah shall have a son.” But Sarah denied it, saying, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. He said, “No, but you did laugh.” Genesis 18:14-15

I love oceans, which I guess is a carryover from growing up in Florida. When I am traveling, I want to touch or if possible swim in the new body of water. The first time seeing the Pacific off the coast of LA, my friend Jerrell and I took shoes off and headed into the cool waters. We were not prepared for the drop off which occurred so near the seashore’s edge. We got in over our heads way too quickly. 

I feel the same way about this Fear Not Friday verse. Clearly, Sarah laughed and then lied about her laughter out of fear of being exposed. Peter records Sarah as a standard of submissiveness and lack of fear. Which is it? I’m in over my head

In the context of Peter’s writing, he is encouraging followers of Jesus to have hope while enduring suffering which will lead others to Christ. Notice verse one, Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, 1 Peter 3:1. Obedience and suffering in marriage had an end goal of salvation for the husband. 

Anticipating that men might read the passage and think they have a license to be abusive to their wives, Peter follows up with the next thought. Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered. 1 Peter 3:7.

Sarah did indeed laugh at the prophetic word spoken that she would bear a child this time next year. Out of fear, she lied. Later, through intimacy with Abram, she became pregnant. Even though she was old and beyond bearing age, she believed God in practice. Should Sarah have denied marital rights because of her old age? No child was conceived in the past, even though the promise had already been given to Abram, why would this time be different?

On this Fear Not Friday, may you have the courage, boldness and hope to re-engage in the dreams and prophetic words which God has spoken to your heart. 

The “doing good” is to develop patterns of choosing right in the decisions of life. Tell the truth, show up to work on time, serve with the right heart attitude, love when it’s hard, and forgive those who have hurt you. These are hard decisions, but worth it, because they keep your heart pure before God. A clear conscience of “doing good” helps with peaceful sleep and rest.

The “fear not anything that is frightening” is a trust in God to help you in your future. Sarah was intimate with Abraham and she had the privilege to laugh with joy when Isaac was born.  She experienced pregnancy and birth for the first time. God was faithful. You can trust God for your “today’s experiences” without fear. Why? Because your trust is in God to guide you through whatever may come your way, even when you are unsure of the outcome.

Note. If you are in a physically abusive marriage situation, seek help, for yourself first and then your husband and family. Exposing his wrongs may lead to restoration for all of you.

As a man, I know that we have challenges in submitting to God. These challenges are multiplied for our wives by asking them to submit to God AND to their husbands. 

Father God, help husbands to love their wives in the same way that you loved the church by laying down your rights for her. Help us to be, act, and love in a way that makes it a joy for our wives to submit and respect us as husbands. Father, extend grace to wives to be examples of love, honor and respect toward their husbands. May the words which they choose and the actions they take be pleasing to You and encouraging to their husbands.

Spiritual DNA is important. On this Fear Not Friday, we have been adopted as one of Sarah’s children, by following in the paths of righteousness. Walk and live without fear of what may surprise you.

Blessings Love y’all (in over my head)