Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy.  Micah 7:18. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Luke 6:36 NIV

Be Merciful – Another Whisper

I am holy and I am just, but I also delight in showing mercy.  Don’t get Me wrong, every sin is offensive to Me and must receive its payment.  I never overlook one sin by anybody. Even the smallest of transgressions from your perspective is vomit in My mouth.  I will not nor can not tolerate it for even  one second. 

Because of my holiness most of you only see Me as an angry Father who has no time for people who violate My demands for right living.  Because My Son took ALL of the payment for your transgression on the cross, I want you to know how much I desire expressing mercy.

My Son expressed our heart for mercy through His interactions with My people.  He ate with Zacchaeus who had no friends, He partied with Matthews friends who were known to be sinners, He healed those noisy and bothersome annoying people calling out for help, He was patient with Nicodemus who was trying to understand this new kingdom thinking, He healed the Gentile (those who were considered not My people) woman’s daughter AND he talked, walked, laughed and ate with Judas who would betray him to his death.

Your broken, fractured and screwed-up life makes you a perfect candidate for My mercy.  Your stubborn independence on the other hand will shield you from walking in My mercy.  Let down the walls and receive.  I will restore the freshness of a clean relationship that has no barriers.  For those who call on Me, I show mercy from generation to generation.  I desire to overshadow you with good things, because the blood of My Son covers your transgressions. 

You cannot earn mercy.  I am not impressed by your intentions of doing better in the future.  I am never fooled by misdirected excuses of responsibility for your actions.  I know all that you do, say and think.  And still, I love you and desire for you to experience the continual aroma of My Mercy.

Can you show mercy to others?  When you do, it is My mercy that they are experiencing.  Mercy is the antithesis to acts of the sinful nature.  Forgiveness is encapsulated in the whole experience of mercy.  When you show mercy there will be those who say you are weak and just being taken advantage of.  But trust My voice to lead you into showing mercy.   Your spouse needs mercy, your children need mercy, your parents need mercy, your coworkers need mercy, your boss needs mercy, your pastor needs mercy, and your neighbor needs mercy.  Show them what I am like…a Father who loves showing mercy.

Whispers from your merciful Father, God.