My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:18 NKJV

Jimbob learns an important lesson about love and obedience

Why aren’t words enough to prove that we love someone? Even if their primary love language are words of appreciation, actions matter. Peace resides in hearts when love and actions are in agreement.

Pam and I watched a movie last night together. One of the old characters said this, “God’s love can’t be contained in your heart, it keeps spilling over to those around you.” Who are those around you that are the recipients of God’s love? How are you expressing that love to them?

Some actions steps to express love

  • Start by asking the God of love to give you creative ways to show love to your family and friends
  • Make lists of things that they like or enjoy. Then look for opportunities to give these to them.
  • Laugh with them and not at them. A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
  • Connect gift giving with things they appreciate. It shows that you understand them and you are thinking about them.
  • None of us are perfect, we make mistakes. An honest and pure apology of “I am sorry, will you forgive me”, resides in the home of love like a comfortable recliner which shows a lot of wear and comfort.
  • Extend grace as you want it extended to you.
  • Make a pretend stack of all of your important “to do’s” and tasks. Then put a picture of your spouse or family in the center and dream what how life works with them as the first and highest priority.

Love is inexhaustible in the abundance of ways that you get to show it. You are blessed and highly favored with love from our Father God. Let it spill over to those around you.

Blessings Love y’all