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2 May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2.

Grace and peace multiplied

Aug 1st, 2018 first paragraph was a text to my spouse, and in-loves – Sometimes addition is not enough. Not that we despise or overlook the importance of small beginnings and incremental steps. But sometimes our present need requires multiplication. May grace and peace be multiplied over your life. May its impact become a tangible topic of expression and not an afterthought. What worries do you have that would be impacted by the abundance of God’s peace? Praying for multiplication in your life today. Love y’all 

May grace and peace be multiplied in your life. Grace is God’s loving kindness being poured out over and toward your life. Can you even imagine what that may look like being multiplied over you? It should lead your heart to be incredibly thankful that God extends His grace over you.

Peace is the restful pause over your mind and emotions. It is strengthened by the knowledge that someone greater is in charge and covering you. Like the bird under the wing of its mother. How would your day function with this type of peace from God being multiplied over your life?

You will encounter many disruptions such as physical health problems and sickness, financial concerns, fractured relationships, struggles to move ahead, and having to forgive those  you don’t want to forgive. BUT GOD still extends His grace and peace over you.

Receive by faith His grace. Speak aloud His peace over your mind and heart. Rejoice that He is the one doing the work in which you are the beneficiary. Praise His name. Thank you, Jesus.

Blessings Love y’all