Praise (Bless) the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:2

Remember His Benefits

Simply Sunday is an opportunity to pause and reflect on one thing or thought. Most are getting ready to join other followers of Jesus to declare His great worth. Hearts and minds are cluttered with events of the past week. Taking a moment to take a deep breath and focus on an aspect of God can help prepare you for worship.

What is the advantage to remembering benefits? What happens when we forget all of the wonderful things He has done for us? Is there a correlation between remembering benefits and intimacy with God?

The next 4 verses in Psalm 103 list some of the benefits meaningful to the Psalmist. As you make your list, can you give an explanation as to why it is important to you? Do you remember when the blessing was given to you? What is important about sharing the benefits with others as opposed to just thinking about it?

For God so loved the world that He gave. His is still giving and giving. 

  • Rehearse His gifts by going through the ABC’s. A is for Active in my life. B is for boldness. Etc.
  • Meditate on His attributes – forgiving, loving, etc
  • Meditate on His immutable character qualities – all knowing, omnipresent, etc
  • Go down the thankful list – each family member, your friends, health, etc.
  • Use God’s word as a prompt – Psalm 145, Psalm 139, Psalm 23

You may also use worship songs as a catalyst to move your heart to remember all of the wonderful things He has done for you. Ask God to help you remember to get into a rhythm of expressing His benefits in your life.

Have a great Sunday.  This is the day the Lord has given to you to remember His wonderful blessings in your life.

Blessings Love y’all