learn to do good; seek justice,  correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. Isaiah 1:17

It’s the end of the year and the kids on the bus are more rowdy than usual. Several of the smaller children were calling my name and telling me what the other child was doing wrong. Tit for Tat. I had enough. “Everybody has to stop talking. Only call my name if you see somebody doing something right. Please… let me know when they are doing good?” They got quieter, but no one had much to say. It’s easier to find someone else’s fault.

Learning to do good will not bring about your salvation. But we can learn to look for people doing something right. We can learn to understand the choices that lay before us and go down the right path. Doing good has a joy and peace built into the activity.

Wisdom is not only for the intellectual. Saying “No” to our selfishness and sin is wisdom. Learning to hear the Holy Spirit’s nudging to avoid sin and choose righteousness is wisdom. Admitting our failure when we DID lean on our own understanding is wisdom. Heeding correction is wisdom. Learning to do good is wisdom.

Learning to do good for Isaiah had practical, real life actions associated with it. All of these actions included investing and helping others. seek justice,  correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause. Learning to do good is revealed in how you engage in helping others, not just benefiting yourself. What real time activities are you involve in that qualifies for “learning to do good”?

  • When was the last time you praised someone for making the right choice?
  • What are some growth areas for you to “learn to do good”?
  • The Isaiah list of doing good is not exhaustive, what would you add to it?
  • Did you have a role model to help you flesh out what “learning to do good” looks like? Who? Have you thanked them for specific lessons?

A couple of days later, as we were pulling away from a bus stop one child spoke up. “Pastor Greg.” Yes, I replied. “She DID NOT shoot a bird out of the window at the other kids.” We had been practicing control. I raised both of my hands and had a happy fit. Praise for doing good needed to be showered with joy. They don’t get that very often.

May God bless you. When you have established the steps and lifestyle of doing good for Jesus, His “well done good and faithful servant” will be over the top for us when we see Him in heaven. We don’t seek anyone’s approval. Until then, we engage, we inspire others, we teach, we expect others to learn to do good, we do good also. You will find joy in the journey.

Blessings Love y’all